Dennis Rodman Allegedly Greeted By Police After Refusing Multiple Requests To Wear Mask On JetBlue Flight

Posted by on Dec 21, 2021 in News | 0 comments

Dennis Rodman was reportedly the latest passenger on a flight to get upset over the airline’s mask mandate.

Dennis Rodman Hosts ManTFup Launch

Source: Johnny Louis / Getty

According to reports from TMZ, the NBA legend was greeted by police on Monday morning when his flight touched down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

An eyewitness told the publication that Rodman was told four times by JetBlue staff to put on a mask during his trip from Los Angeles. Though the 60-year-old would initially oblige the request, he would reportedly proceed to pull his mask below his chin after staffers walked away. When asked again, he allegedly claimed the mask was hindering his ability to breathe.

Now, TMZ learned the Broward County Sheriff’s Office was waiting for Rodman upon his arrival as a result of his pushback. Luckily for the retired baller, after a brief, cooperative discussion, he was set free without any citation.

As fans of the eccentric personality already know, this isn’t the first time Rodman has fought back against COVID-19 restrictions. In September 2020, he was captured on video grocery shopping and hugging fans at a Tustin, California Whole Foods with his mask below his chin.

Earlier this year, Lionsgate acquired the rights to the spec script for 48 Hours in Vegas, a film set to be based on Rodman’s notorious Sin City adventure he took during the NBA Finals in 1998.

According to reports from Deadline, the film will find Rodman paired with his “skittish assistant GM,” and that the story will “detail a budding friendship that neither one of them ever thought was possible but will end up solving both of their problems.” Rodman signed on to the project as an executive producer.

Source: bossip