For Your Viewing Pleasure: Rich Paul & BET Release ‘Klutch Academy’ Episode 1 [Video]

Posted by on Dec 21, 2021 in News | 0 comments

BET and Rich Paul team up for a new series titled Klutch Academy, and you can watch episode one right here.

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Rich Paul is a trailblazer and has broken down walls within sports and for future agents that will forever be cemented in history. He’s always been out the way and behind the scenes minding his business, which is one reason why he and Klutch Sports are the top dogs.

Thanks to BET Networks, we are now getting an inside look into Rich Paul and his day-to-day routine in a new show: Klutch Academy. The show follows Rich Paul and his Klutch Sports team as they get a new group of talent ready for the NBA draft. The show also reveals how Rich and everyone else on his team found out about the passing of the talented Terrence Clark, who was best friends with co-star and prospect Brandon Boston.

In the show, you also get introduced to the special personality and energy that is Kai Jones. Kai and the struggle of his mother not seeing his dream come true due to her visa issues play out in the show and we won’t spoil it for you, but it gets emotional. The show feels almost like a Marvel movie with so many different story lines and plots, but all for the same goal. You can catch episode one down below.

Source: bossip